Spleen My Love

Explanation of intent

Dream of a Late Autumn Afternoon by San Damon is not a twisted representation of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream or of Berlioz's compositions on Gautier's collection of poems “La comedy of death", but a real experience, a whisper with the shadows experienced by the artist, many years ago, in autumn, hence the name of the first movement of his Oniroscopist Symphorapsody "October Night - October Night”, theme first composed in 1990, just like Spleen mon Amour, but under another name. The Spleen of San Damon has no common view with that of Baudelaire, who was not the inventor of the term.


Historically, this term, though of English origin "rate", was translated into French as "mélancholy" by Diderot a few years before the French Revolution. In other words, never having a free head, boredom with things to the point of disgust with existence. Schnitzler could more easily be mentioned, not for his prose poems, but for his knowledge of hypnosis. Indeed, Damon neuroses the words of his text and forces the listener to eight identical passages of his music.


Identical, it seems ? Because, in fact, the interpretation of the text gives a variant to the melancholy, gradually becoming a lypémania. While Baudelaire's melancholy is very unpleasant, Damon claims it to be beautiful, almost joyful. Interrupted halfway through by a verse recounting another story. As is often the case in his compositions, San Damon adds words to notes, too many words for fewer notes, an exercise in genius that forces the performer to take a detour in his interpretation. The fifth chorus takes off again, ending in an endless whirlwind of madness as the mind loses its footing and rushes into the finale ad libitum.